Tuesday 15 October 2024

Post-Nuclear War Timelines

Poul Anderson's main fictional futures set after a nuclear war:

the Psychotechnic History
the Maurai History
Twilight World (almost a future history)
Vault Of The Ages

The Psychotechnic History begins in the immediate aftermath of World War III. Are we living in the prelude to it? If so, then we need to heed this warning:

"...in strictly pragmatic terms, the early atomic era was the best time to resolve East-West rivalry; the crude weapons of that day could not sterilize Earth."
-Sandra Miesel IN Poul Anderson, The Complete Psychotechnic League (Riverdale, NY, October 2017), p. 3.

Or might the powers that be escalate local conflicts into a third global conflict while maintaining their tacit agreement not to deploy nukes? Thus, replay WWII: invade Poland, occupy France, besiege Britain, draw in the Americans, but without nuking anyone?

The Psychotechnic History includes "'What if World War III had not happened'?' fiction. Thus, a fictional timeline tangentially comments on the Earth Real timeline.


Stephen Michael Stirling said...

No one will accept complete defeat if they have nukes. "I'll take you with me" is a basic human instinct.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Mr. Stirling!

I agree. Which explains why the tyrants in Iran and N Korea are so eager to get nukes. It virtually guarantees foreign enemies cannot completely destroy or defeat them.

Ad astra! Sean