Thursday 10 October 2024

Energy And Politics

Solar power screens are developed in "Let There Be Light," the second story in Robert Heinlein's Future History, and interplanetary power beams are developed in "Holmgang," the sixth story in Poul Anderson's Psychotechnic History. These energy sources have to be remembered and taken into account in all subsequent instalments of their respective future history series.

The early Future History is more "social" (how people live) and less "political" (how society is organized) than the early Psychotechnic History. However, a transport strike becomes a failed functionalist revolution in "The Roads Must Roll" and Dahlquist defeats a Space Patrol coup in "The Long Watch." The Future History becomes very much "political" in "If This Goes On -."

In the Psychotechnic History, the UN is opposed by the "gang" and by the Actionists and later the Solar Union is opposed by the Humanists and by the Western Reformers.

We continue to find future history parallels.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I know you tend to favor the more "social" kinds of SF stories. Except for fleshing out backgrounds and adding some color to the stories, excessive attention to small everyday details tends to bore me. I think Anderson managed to get it right most times, neither too much or too little.

Ad astra! Sean