Monday 7 October 2024

An Alternate Cosmos

"I could even imitate Heinlein again and bail out the whole series by declaring that it shows an alternate cosmos. However, Mrs. Miesel has now done that on my behalf." (p. 285)

In my opinion, Heinlein's original five-volume Future History still stands as a now past future history series which does not need any bailing out, especially not by the rubbish that Heinlein wrote in later volumes. We do not even need to think of a past future history series as an alternative history. All that we need to do is to return in imagination to the time at which the series was written and, from that perspective, regard it as a projected future. By referring to Heinlein's bailing out of the series, Anderson gives The Number Of The Beast etc an undeserved significance. 

We can compare the Future History, the Psychotechnic History, the Technic History etc just as mutually incompatible fictions without bringing in the apparatus of parallel universes. However, although we do not need to do this, Anderson does it very effectively for us when he informs us that Heinlein's character, "blind Rhysling," has been seen in the inter-universal Old Phoenix Inn.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I agree, RAH's stories are best read and/or enjoyed on their merits/demerits without needing to attempt "bailing" them out in any way. Beginning with STRANGER IN A STRANGE LAND most of Heinlein's later is not worth the bother of reading.

I still remember how disappointed I was by I WILL FEAR NO EVIL, a story with a fascinating premise ruined by RAH's sexual obsessions.

Anderson did write stories using alternate/parallel universes: such as THREE HEARTS AND THREE LIONS, the two OPERATION books, A MIDSUMMER TEMPEST, etc.

Ad astra! Sean