Tuesday 1 February 2022

The Southern Hemisphere And The Middle Ocean

Although Corona And Oronesia merely repeats previously posted information, I now have a better grasp of Avalon as a globe.

What do we know of the three large islands in the southern hemisphere? New Africa exports beer. New Gaiila has scorching savannahs. Equatoria is uncolonized because the Ythrians did not want to disturb the evolution of the tool-using centaurs. Also, Equatoria has a lethal environment which is why certain Avalonians manipulated the Terrans into invading there.

Approaching Avalon, Philippe Rochefort saw a chain of islands and crash landed on one. I took this to mean that the islands were the Oronesian archipelago. However, tracking down the crashed ship, Tabitha and her companions fly above the Middle Ocean which implies that they have flown west from Oronesia. We understand that Avalon has many small islands instead of full-sized continents. Details matter. In fact, this island saves Rochefort from drowning.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

It's only right to point out one reason Admiral Cajal selected Equatoria as the spot for landing an invasion force was because he hoped thereby to lessen damage and casualties on both sides. Of course, his information about the island was inadequate.

Ad astra! Sean