Wednesday 6 October 2021

Wind And Leaves

I will be busy tomorrow and want to share this before turning in now. John Grisham ends a chapter in Poul Anderson style:

"They stopped at the intersection of Pennsylvania Avenue. The White House sat majestically before them. It was almost November, and the wind blew leaves across the lawn."
-John Grisham, The Pelican Brief (London, 1992), FORTY-FOUR, p. 415.
Perfect: wind; leaves; autumn and, as we know from reading the novel up to this point, a Presidency ending in scandal. We have become familiar with the wind commenting on the action in Poul Anderson's texts. Here Grisham gives it the same role and it catches my attention primarily because of Anderson.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I read Grisham's THE PELICAN BRIEF a long time ago, but I don't think I remember exactly how that fictional president became so enmired in scandal it wrecked his Presidency. But it does bring to mind how "Josip's" son Hunter Biden may be bringing down or damaging his father because of their shady business dealings.

This TERRIBLE President has to go! The catastrophes in Afghanistan, the borders, and now the Federal budget shows how unfit he is to hold office!

Ad astra! Sean said...

THE PELICAN BRIEF recommended. said...

Biden too will last at least 4 years. said...

More commenting probs. said...

I am being telegrammic. said...

Trying a longer comment.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I'm sorry you seem to be again having trouble depositing comments in the comboxes. I hope it's soon fixed.

I just hope we survive four years with this BUNGLER as President! I have wondered if Amendment XXV will be used to push out "Josip."

Ad astra! Sean said...


The problem seems to be temporary but is annoying.

Paul. said...


So far, the US has survived EVERY President.

Paul. said...

This lap top gets a lot of use so it is only a matter of time before something goes wrong.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Adam Smith famously said nations have a great deal of ruination in them. But there'only SO MUCH folly and blundering any nation can tolerate before something BREAKS.

Good, that your laptop seems to be behaving better!

Ad astra! Sean