Monday 25 October 2021

After Avantism

Harvest Of Stars, 42.

The Avantist government is gone but times continue to change:

Peace Authority squads are on North American streets;
the Liberation Army is organized but small;
the Chaotics, no longer united by hate, are factionalizing;
some citizens did have a stake in the Avantist order;
the economy is wrecked;
society is being rationalized not by ideology but by demand;
some people appreciate Fireball's intervention but others do not;
most have not decided;
Fireball consortes are uncomfortable on Earth;
Fireball itself is confused and feels empty;
Kyra's friend, Robert Lee, spends a lot of time in a virtual reality.
Needless to say:
"Wind blew keen with approaching autumn." (p. 397)
It always does. We feel society changing on Hermes in Mirkheim and on Earth in Harvest Of Stars.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And I would not approve of all of those changes, esp. the ones leading to the domination of Earth by AIs.

Ad astra! Sean