Thursday 7 October 2021

Quark Fair

Harvest Of Stars, 5.

"Everywhere, signs blinked, flared, writhed, luridly hued. Their effect after dark must be gyrocephalic." (p. 82)

(i) We recently encountered the term,"gyroceph."
(ii) We learn that "gyrencephalic" means something.
Kyra has entered a depressed area with broken windows, sooty walls, gaping doors, obscene graffiti, a ragged beggar, begging children, a raucous flea market, shanties, a ruined, rusting skyscraper and blinking signs. There are similar scenes of urban decay in some other Anderson futures. Do they sound a bit exaggerated? I suppose that as long as economies continue to be run along familiar lines, then they will continue to generate both wealth and poverty. Kyra reflects:

"Would politicians never learn that what an economy managed by the state mainly produced was poverty?
"Not that unrestricted free enterprise guaranteed wealth." (p. 81)

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Without again rehashing old arguments over which systems of economic activity works best, I'll simply say that since all human beings are flawed and imperfect, we are going to have to expect to see both wealth and poverty.

Ad astra! Sean