Tuesday 7 September 2021

Where Hermes Goes

"A Feast for the Gods."

the Underworld;
Nan's coral palace;
the caverns of Xibalba;
the Jade Emperor's "...infinite intricate rooms-within-rooms..." (p. 221);
"...storms and stars and immensities commanded by Yahweh..." (ibid.);
the Paradise of Mohammed;
the Christian Paradise;
New York;
cyberspace, the eeriest, the rim of a new age or an abyss.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

"Nan's CORAL palace"? I immediately thought of the Coral Palace we see in ENSIGN FLANDRY, A KNIGHT OF GHOSTS AND SHADOWS, and A STONE IN HEAVEN.

Making rapid progress reading Kermit Pattison's FOSSIL MEN. Thanks to Stirling!

Ad astra! Sean