Tuesday 28 September 2021

After The Earth Book

"[Dominic Flandry's] chronicles had occupied five novels and two collections of shorter stories, written over a span of thirty-odd years."
-Poul Anderson, The Game Of Empire IN Anderson, Flandry's Legacy (Riverdale, NY, 2012), pp. 189-453 AT INTRODUCTION, p. 191.
That does not sound like much, does it? Just five novels and two collections. The first of the collected stories was published in Planet Stories in January 1951 and the fifth of the novels in 1979. However, the number is correct:
the Young Flandry Trilogy (three novels);
one non-Flandry novel;
one non-Flandry short story (that could be published in the same volume as the novel);
a Captain Flandry trilogy (two collections and one novel);
an Admiral Flandry novel;
The Game Of Empire, "...a sort of coda..." (ibid.);
one post-Flandry collection.
Thus, ten volumes after The Earth Book Of Stormgate, if we revert to the pre-Saga reading order.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And that certainly SEEMS amply substantial to me! Esp. when we keep in mind all the other stories Anderson had been writing between installments of the Technic tales.

Ad astra! Sean