Monday 19 April 2021

The Captain Flandry And Chives Trilogy

In order to reread Poul Anderson's "The Plague of Masters," we reopen The Technic Civilization Saga, Volume VI, Sir Dominic Flandry: The Last Knight Of Terra and, while avoiding yet another discussion of the correct reading order for Anderson's Dominic Flandry series, we notice first that this volume contains only four installments and secondly that, after "The Plague of Masters," the remaining three installments:

"Hunters of the Sky Cave"
"The Warriors from Nowhere"
A Knight Of Ghosts And Shadows
- form a neat "Captain Flandry and Chives" trilogy as opposed to Admiral Flandry and Chives at the beginning of Volume VII.

In "Hunters...," Flandry, Chives and Kit Kittredge travel in the Hooligan to Vixen, a humanly colonized planet occupied by the Ardazhiro whereas, in A Knight..., Flandry, Chives and Kossara Vymezal travel in the Hooligan to Dennitza, a humanly colonized planet infiltrated by Merseian agents with Aycharaych orchestrating events from the background on both occasions. The trilogy incorporates Flandry's long conflict with Aycharaych with the single exception of the brief introductory story, "Honorable Enemies," which had been collected in Volume V.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And having Chives first being mentioned with Flandry during what chronologies have calculated were the last years of Josip's reign helps to lessen any sense of inconsistency in why we don't see him in the earlier Captain Flandry stories.

Ad astra! Sean