Monday 12 April 2021

Ice, Steppe And Tundra

"A Message in Secret."

Nearly a quarter of the surface of Altai is covered by the two polar ice caps which are inhabited by native Altaians. Between them are steppes, tundra and large lakes but no seas or oceans. A steppe is a large unforested grassland. Tundra means shrubs, sedges, grasses, mosses and lichens with few or no trees. "Steppe" and "tundra" are the kind of words that I think I understand until I check their meanings. 

Cold and dryness plus lack of heavy metals, fossil fuels and fissionables explain why the Altaians became nomads without losing scientific knowledge. According to the Khan:

"'Nomadism necessarily means tribalism, which usually means feuds and war.'" (III, p. 350)

However, he will unify Altai with imported armament.

Imagine thirty or more human generations living and dying in this environment. We know of one Altaian who escaped in the League period. However, currently:

"' Kha Khan has forbidden any of his zubjectz from leaving de planet, eggzept zome truzted and verry cloze-mout' perzonal reprezentatives in de Betelgeuzan Zyztem. Dis prohibition is might-be one reazon for de inzurrectionz.'" (p. 343)

The Altaian regime is ripe for overthrow.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I would not yet quite go that far, saying Oleg Khan's regime was on the edge of being overthrown. Rather, he was bent on the complete unification of Altai--which in turn could stir up so much discontent the Khan might be overthrown. Esp, if, modest tho it was, many Altaians had a stake in off planet trade.

Ad astra! Sean