Saturday 8 August 2020

Where We Are And How We Came Here

Larry Niven's Known Space Future History Series
(See Known Space and Comparing Future Histories)
  3 novels
  3 collections
  1 potential further collection of 4 stories
18 (at least) Man-Kzin Wars (MKW) volumes
  9-novel Worlds/Ringworld sequence

We, blog-wise, are currently focused on MKW because of Poul Anderson's three contributions to this Known Space sub-series. Contemplating the entire sub-series as a coherent totality, we find Andersonian influences and parallels but cannot predict what will emerge next. Some installments are bound to be entirely dissimilar. We have embarked on a voyage of discovery.

Anderson's Technic History and Niven's Known Space are two very long future history series with structural dissimilarities. Which of them we prefer is probably just down to taste.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I think it was because of Larry Niven's inventing of Teela Brown and her good luck genes which led to him inviting other authors to make contributions to Known Space. Niven came to regret creating Teela Brown because having good luck genes spread thru out the human race came to make it harder and harder to think of original stories set in the Known Space world. Having other authors contributing to the Man/Kzin Wars sub series was one way of getting out of being boxed in!

Ad astra! Sean