Thursday 5 December 2019

"Wings of Victory": Minor Details

"Wings of Victory," see here.

"A swarm of midgelike entomoids went by..." (p. 9)

"Scenery: superb. Above the forest, peaks shouldered into heaven, the glaciers shimmered blue. To the right, canyon walls plunged roseate, ocher-banded, and cragged." (ibid.)

OK. We need visual adaptations of Poul Anderson's works, both graphic and cinematic. But they must show exactly what he describes:

peaks above forest
deep blue sky
blue shimmering glacier
rose and ocher canyon

Before that:

cool breezes soughing in branches
clangorous river down in the canyon
smokinesses and pungencies (although visual media cannot do these)
warm gold light
rich colors
deep shadows
flocks wheeling and crying

Inside the Ythrian house:

"Decoration was austere and nonrepresentational. Furniture consisted mainly of benches and tables. Nothing like a bed or an o-futon was found. Did the indigenes sleep, if they did, sitting or standing?" (pp. 12-13)

If decoration had been representational, then the explorers would have seen the Ythrians' shape. The Ythrians would perch on the benches. Are we told anywhere how they sleep?

Discussing the claws on the large ornithoids' wings:

"'Earth has a bird with similar structures, the hoactzin.'" (p. 15)

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I like that word, "entomoids," creatures resembling insects but not the insects of Terra. I regret not recalling it from my previous readings of THE PEOPLE OF WIND.

Ad astra! Sean