Friday 6 December 2019

Van Rijn In The Earth Book II

Poul Anderson, "Lodestar" IN Anderson, The Earth Book Of Stormgate (New York, 1979), pp. 368-408:

pp. 368-369, Hloch's introduction which would have fitted on a single page;

pp. 370-375, a trader team story;

pp. 375-376, three paragraphs summarizing a decade of van Rijn's later life;

pp. 376-408, Coya Conyon's point of view of her and van Rijn's journey to Mirkheim in an Ythrian spaceship.

pp. 375-376 are a good summary. We understand the references to Satan etc if we have read the Technic History in chronological order to this point. We appreciate that van Rijn is having a more leisurely time but nevertheless remains far from inactive. Coya can tell that they are flying, battle-ready, into unexplored space.

And that is a good place to stop for the night.


David Birr said...

I'm amused as well as exasperated by how the back-cover blurb in your illustration spells "Falkayn" with a final "e." said...

There are other errors.

David Birr said...

There always are, but that one sort of jumped out and waved little semaphore flags to me.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, DAVID!

I never thought before to notice how someone blundered and misspelled Falkayn's name. At least partly, perhaps, I have a hardback, rather than paperback copy of THE EARTH BOOK.

And, yes, that blurb contains other errors!

Ad astra! Sean