Sunday 1 December 2019

Arinnian And Hrill

We left Arinnian and Hrill walking by the oily canal in Livewell Street. See here. Each is a human member of a different choth.

Star Trek at its best brings out the differences between human and Vulcan mentalities. Thus, a Vulcan appointed to a responsible post should have won the appointment on his merits and therefore should not need to thank anyone who had recommended him for it. Nevertheless, a particular Vulcan observes the human custom by thanking Admiral Kirk, especially since Spock has told him that this human being is particularly worthy of respect. See Admiralty.

Similarly, Poul Anderson differentiates between human and Ythrian mentalities. Arinnian reflects:

Hrill has just asked him a very personal question;
that is an insult;
alternatively, it is an endearment between the closest friends...;
but she is probably just thinking human again!

No surprise: they are both human. Hrill/Tabitha Falkayn suggests that they speak Anglic because they lack the feathers for the proper use of Planha.

Arinnian/Christopher Holm cannot relax around "bird" women because he expects them to emulate (what he sees as) the purity of Ythrian females who have to be on heat for sex. See Arinnian's Problem.

I like the Avalonian environment and might stay with it for a while.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Notoriously, human affairs, cultural, social, political, etc., are chaotic, irrational, hypocritical, etc.! And it's easy to see why Vulcans can be so discombobulated by Earth humans. And Mr. Spock was right in his advice to that other Vulcan.

And for most of THE PEOPLE OF THE WIND, I disliked Christopher Holm/Arinnian. Because of his disparaging attitude towards his own species.

Ad astra! Sean