Friday 2 November 2018

Watching TV Instead Of Reading

This post exists because:

sf writers comment on and extrapolate from current issues;

there was recent combox discussion of climate change (see Futures and The Relevance Of SF);

this evening, instead of reading, I watched some TV;

BBC News reported that, according to the British Met Office (see here), British weather is becoming more extreme because of human-caused climate change;

in view of this and other recent reports, both climate change and its human causation seem by now to be scientifically established?;

assessments and policy proposals have to be informed by current evidence;

sf, however futuristic, often becomes dated because of advances in scientific knowledge;

we know that Poul Anderson would have responded to new evidence but not how he would have responded.  


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

You already know my views, the only PRACTICAL alternates to fossil fuels is nuclear power and space based solar power satellites. If "environmentalists" are agitating for marginal dead alternatives, they are actually agitating for the deaths of billions of people! See Anderson's similar comments in the "Commentary" he wrote for SPACE FOLK.

I frankly distrust many "environmentalists" because the "solutions" some propose will not help. It would do nothing except to massively hike taxes and expand the power and scope of the bureaucratic state. With "environmentalist" getting nice cushy jobs "managing" the climate.

Sean said...

I am not quoting environmentalists agitating for marginal alternatives but scientists confirming human-caused climate change, thus I am disagreeing with the US President. If it is agreed that something must be done urgently, then the discussion about what must be done can start and starting the discussion, let alone implementing a solution, is already overdue.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

If some go too far in denying or excessively minimizing the role played by human activities in affecting climate, that was because of the excesses of the "small is beautiful," "limits to growth," etc., advocated by left leaning environmentalists. The policies they would advocate would lead to the kind of world seen in "Murphy's Hall."

Only getting SERIOUS about nuclear power and space based solar energy satellites will truly help. So my view remains that of Anderson in his "Commentary," written for SPACE FOLK.

Sean said...

But the President needs to heed the current scientific consensus, not continue reacting against excessive environmentalists.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I agree, but in the heat of partisan controversies it's so easy to focus too narrowly on the idiocies of one's opponents. President Trump has been a shrewder politician than many expected him to be, but he not naturally inclined to be philosophical, I fear.
