Sunday 25 November 2018

Subtler Wars, Part III

Poul Anderson, The Fleet Of Stars, 19.

This post makes senses only as a continuation of Subtler Wars, Part II.

A Proserpinan spaceship approaches the Elnath observatory and launches three well-programmed, versatile robots, each equipped with "...sensors and effectors..." (p. 240) and subject to override by the watching spaceship crew. The robots should be able to enter the observatory and readout the prohibited data. Although the expedition was planned and prepared for years with maximum security, the ship had been detectable by radar almost from departure. High intensity electromagnetic impulses from the observatory disable the robots, which drift away. The sophotect directing the observatory warns the Proserpinans by radio that, if they do not depart, then an approaching armed ship will destroy them. At last this war has become recognizable as such.

When download Guthrie came to Proserpina, Luaine of the Outer Comets lobbied for the Proserpinans to refuel his ship with antimatter. Her plan is:

a Lunarian in a spacesuit modified so that it will not be disabled by the electromagnetic field enters the observatory and switches off the field;

then, download Guthrie, fast enough to evade or outfight the guardian ships, approaches and enters the observatory to readout the prohibited data.

However, download Guthrie wants to spy in the inner Solar System before considering an assault on the observatory and has the backing of two other Selenarchs. Thus, he prevents coercion by Luaine. Again, armed conflict threatens to return.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

At first sight, Luaine plan seems to make more sense, even from download Guthrie's POV. Find out the information held in the observatory and download Guthrie could go to the Solar System with more information to decide his acts and decisions.

Sean said...

But he is not yet sure that the Synesis or the cybercosm is acting wrongly so he doesn't want to antagonize them prematurely.
Tomorrow, I will be with my good Buddhist friend from Birmingham all day so there will be little time for blogging. Real life is very intrusive and insistent at present.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

A fair point, I admit. But my thought would have been if the information held by the observatory could be obtained without damaging it then the cybercosm/Synesis would have little cause for complaint. Esp. if that information did show them to behaving wrongly.

Have a good time tomorrow! The last time I was in the UK I visited Birmingham as well.
