Friday 16 November 2018

The Farthest Star

(This post is about Poul Anderson, not about ERB.)

(i) A planet with oxygen in its atmosphere in Puppis has the catalogue number, HD44594.

(ii) HD44594 II, Bion, might be reachable only by robots and downloads.

(iii) Bion, visited by download Guthrie, has a sea, winged creatures, a forest, a vine-covered mountain, embryos falling in rain, city-building animals, some animals using tools, others tending fire and a sister planet with microbial life and two moons.

(iv) The planet in Puppis called Kwan-Yin will be seeded with life although it is too far for organic beings to travel to it.

(v) Later, ships have reached Hestia and its fantastic neighbor Bion.

I am not sure that all these statements add up?

"...the Milky Way coursed as a frosty river, banked with black nebular headlands..." (The Fleet Of Stars, 2, p. 13)


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

"Animals" building cities and making tools surely can't be mere animals! I would have to consider them to be non-human rational beings.

Sean said...

No. The "cities" are like bee hives or ant hills and the tools are rudimentary. The tool users are approaching rationality.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And that seems odd! OUR species only began making cities only long and long after we became an intelligent race. But we have to expect other sentient races or possibly intelligent species to take different roads.

Sean said...

If you read the description, you'll see that the animals build structures like elaborate birds' nests, not houses of stone etc.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I will, when I finally get to rereading the HARVEST OF STARS books. I'm not quite half way thru the third of THE LAST VIKING books, interspersed with reading more of Murray's A HISTORY OF CHESS. I fear I'm nowhere as fast a reader as you are!
