Tuesday 9 January 2018

Fantasy-SF Interfaces

(i) In the hybrid genre of superheroes, fantasy and sf coexist. Thus, Superman is extraterrestrial whereas Captain Marvel is magical.

(ii) In Poul Anderson's inter-universal inn, the Old Phoenix, fantasy and sf characters meet.

(iii) Thesis: in Anderson's heroic fantasies, gods, including Odin, exist.
Antithesis: in some hard sf novels by Anderson, technological consciousness aims to survive the universe.
Synthesis: in the Emberverse series by SM Stirling, consciousness that had survived a previous universe manifests as gods, including Odin.

(iv) Intermediate cases:
a historical novel by Anderson presents two men later deified as Odin and Thor;
a Time Patrol story by Anderson presents a time traveler mistaken for Odin.

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