Tuesday 23 January 2018

Aeneas And Avalon

For the purpose of this post, it is appropriate to have a book cover showing an Ythrian on Aeneas.

Peter Berg, an Aenean, tells us that Ythri is close to and similar to Aeneas. Both these planets are smaller and drier than Earth with a thinner atmosphere. All three have similar biochemistries.

Ythrians attend the University of Nova Roma on Aeneas and some Ythrians employ Peter and Olga Berg to help them to explore Gray which will later be called Avalon when it is jointly colonized by human beings and Ythrians.

Centuries later, when there is unrest on Aeneas, an Avalonian Ythrian spies on that planet on behalf both of the Terran Empire and of the Domain of Ythri.

Thus, "The Problem of Pain," about the exploration of Gray/Avalon, mentions Aeneas while The Day Of Their Return, about unrest on Aeneas, mentions Avalon. Both works were published in 1973.

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