Wednesday 24 April 2024

Internet And International Stability

The Byworlder.

Chapter II ends when Yvonne passes:

"...inboard to confront the Sigman." (p. 21)

However, when we turn the page, Chapter III returns us to Skip in the Theontologist adobe village back on Earth. Suspense.

Chapter II presented several data of which we will note four. First, every encounter with the Sigman:

" fully recorded in every feasible way and put on the open data lines." (p. 15)

Thus, Earth has the Internet in a novel published in 1971. We knew it was coming. My name for it was "Cencom": Central Computer.

Secondly, Americans, Europeans, Russians and Chinese regularly send their representatives to try to converse with the Sigman. The Terrestrial powers are no longer at daggers drawn. There is some global stability and arms control.

Thirdly, Yvonne, American, feels that a pattern is emerging from her contacts with the Sigman. She might be on the verge of a breakthrough. This puts her in the same camp as Skip who thought that he had realized something. No doubt these two characters will come together.


"Traffic Control's computers steered [Yvonne's] car out of town..." (ibid.)

Standard stuff in an Andersonian future.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

By 1971 scientifically educated people like Anderson must have some kind of worldwide computerized communication system was very likely in the not too distant future.

The great powers of THE BYWORLDER were not at daggers drawn because they were all too evenly matched for any of them to think they could safely make a bid for supremacy. A situation not likely to last forever.

I only wish aircars were practical and as accessible for use as seen in THE BYWORLDER!

Ad astra! Sean said...


I don't think it's an aircar in Chapter II.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Dang, not an aircar? I've been pining for aircars for decades, since I first came across them in the Chilton Books edition of AGENT OF THE TERRAN EMPIRE! (Smiles)

So THE BYWORLDER has computerized traffic control systems managing ground cars?

Ad astra! Sean said...

That's what it looks like in that chapter. We assume aircars because we have become used to them in sf. Its become a cliche like hyperspace.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Except I want real aircars, not cliches! (Laughs)

And self driving cars would also be cool!

Ad astra! Sean said...

In VI, Almeida flies Yvonne home but in a helicopter.