Friday 19 April 2024

Poul Anderson's Diversity


Look how much comes out of analysing a single Poul Anderson short story which I have not yet finished rereading. In recent posts, we have discussed:

natural selection
narrative points of view
descriptive passages
rationales for space-time travel
a comparison with The Time Machine
international conflict and potential war
a hint of humour

Maybe more. I do not think that humour is Anderson's strong point but he does do some humour along with everything else.

"Epilogue" was published in Analog in 1962 but I do not know which month so I have been attaching all the cover images.

Onward, hopefully.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

But Anderson was capable of being funny when he wanted to be like that! Examples I've thought of being "A Bicycle Built For Brew" and "The Critique of Impure Reason." And the funniest of the Flandry stories was "A Message in Secret," where the author indulged in some good humored ribbing of Sir Dominic.

VIRGIN PLANET also has a lot of comedy in it!

Ad astra! Sea