Monday 22 April 2024


Poul Anderson's Explorations collects:

"The Saturn Game"
"The Bitter Bread"
The Ways of Love"
"The Voortrekkers"

"The Saturn Game" and "Starfog" belong in the collected Technic History and are to be found there. "The Way of Love" belongs in the same volume as The Enemy Stars to which it is a sequel and indeed they have been republished as a single volume. The remaining three stories are one-offs. They belong in a multi-volume collection of all of Anderson's non-series shorter works which I think should be presented in chronological order of publication. Thus, there are several collections like Explorations that would not be reproduced as such in any Complete Works of Poul Anderson. In particular, The Armies of Elfland is entirely redundant.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Just a tiny correction: it's "The Ways of Love" which was a short story sequel to THE ENEMY STARS, not "Epilogue."

I don't quite agree about THE ARMIES OF ELFLAND. At a minimum that collection contains stories by Anderson which had not been republished elsewhere when that book came out.

Ad astra! Sean