Tuesday 6 February 2024

Ythrian Democracy

The People Of The Wind, XI.

The High Wyvan reports to the Great Khruath that the enemy has demanded surrender:

"'They who speak for you rejected the demand, as was their duty until you could be summoned to decide.'" (p. 560)

Too right. I remember a TV interviewer telling a trade union leader, "You seem to have lost control of your members." I cannot remember what answer was given but a correct answer would have been, "It is my job not to control but to represent and give a lead."

Years ago in Britain, a Labour-led City Council was defying the national government in a way that was opposed by the national Labour Party. At the Labour Party Conference, a representative from that city was asked there and then on the floor of the conference and without giving a speech to agree to some sort of shoddy compromise: yes or no. His answer should have been: "I am here to represent a locally made policy, not to make an individual decision to change that policy arbitrarily." But, of course, that kind of politics being what it is, he did not say that.

Ythrians can teach human beings about democracy. 


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Nobody seems to have commented on it, but I thought the way that discussion with Admiral Cajal was handled would have been off putting, even angering, to many. The High Wyvan and First Marchwarden should have simply said they couldn't accept or reject the terms offered before consulting the Great Khruath and Human Parliament. To haughtily reject those terms when you were arguably in a weaker position seems to me needlessly provocative.

Ad astra! Sean

paulshackley2017@gmail.com said...


I see your point.


S.M. Stirling said...

Sean: but they wanted an immediate attack; their defenses were much stronger than the Terrans thought.

They wanted to give the Terrans a bloody nose and persuade them that Avalon wasn't worth the price it would cost to take it.

Pretty much the strategy the Boers had in 1899. High-risk, but the best available.

paulshackley2017@gmail.com said...

That also makes sense.