Monday 12 February 2024

The Attack On Centauri

The People Of The Wind, XVII.

The Terrans are about to attack the Avalonian's chief seaport and industrial capital, Centauri. Two Terrans have this exchange:

"Sweat broke out on Ozumi's brow. 'Woman and children -'
"'If the enemy has any sense, he evacuated nonessential persons long ago,' Monteanu snapped. 'Frankly, I don't give a curse. I lost a brother here, last time around. If you're through snivelling, let's get to work.'" (p. 628)

First, this is a realistic representation of reactions during a war. Secondly, analyse Monteneau's remarks. His brother joined the navy and therefore was prepared to be sent into combat, to kill or be killed. He was in fact killed during an attack on Avalon. Yet, because he was killed, Monteneau does not give a curse about women and children... Forgive me for thinking that there is something very wrong with this kind of reaction. There are peace demonstrations on Esperance. Demonstrators are concerned about women, children and Monteanu's brother.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Except the Imperials gave advance warning that Centauri was a legitimate target of war liable to be attacked. Meaning the people there had at least one standard day to flee, which they did. It was not an indiscriminate attack.

I agree that Monteanu's brother voluntarily accepted the risks and dangers when he entered the Navy. That doesn't mean his brother couldn't feel grief over his loss.

Ad astra! Sean

S.M. Stirling said...

Note that there's no rule against -killing- civilians in the current set of guidelines.

There's only a rule against -targeting- them. If they're just in the way in an attack on a target of military value, c'est la guerre.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Mr. Stirling!

I agree, it is an unfortunate fact that not all non-combatant casualties can be avoided. Which makes my contempt for Putin even greater--he is having his army deliberately targeting civilians in Ukraine.

Ad astra! Sean