Monday 5 February 2024

The Future Of Avalon

The People Of The Wind.

Because the Avalonians want to limit immigration to their planet, Admiral Cajal tells them:

"'Confound it, you can't selfishly block progress just because you prefer archaism.'" (X, p. 556)

Is Imperial uniformity progress? Christopher Holm later tells Tabitha Falkayn that, if communities did not resist encroachment, then eventually there would be:

"'...dead sameness. No challenges, no inspiration from somebody else's ways.'" (XIX, p. 661)

The Avalonians are already forging a new biracial civilization. Furthermore, Ekrem Saracoglu anticipates a time when, whatever its immigration policies, this unique planet will attract abundant trade and therefore:

"'...more important, brains, which follow opportunity.'" (XIX, p. 657)

The conflict of the Terran-Ythrian War will recede into the past as we see in The Day Of Their Return when an Avalonian Ythrian intelligence agent serves both the Terran Empire and the Domain of Ythri.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I basically agree, while still not liking everything Ythrian or thinking they offer anything fundamentally better that would work for other races.

Ad astra! Sean