Thursday 1 February 2024

Conditions On Avalon

The People Of The Wind, IX.

Avalon is smaller and lighter than Earth with a smaller core but spins more rapidly which affects its magnetic field, apparently. The planet receives fewer charged particles and less ultraviolet and X rays. These factors enable it to retain a breathable atmosphere. Laura is closer and cooler than Sol with a weaker stellar wind. Morgana is smaller but closer than Luna and raises twice the tides. 

The dense green ground-cover explains the absence of forests and thus possibly also the under-evolution of the hexapodal Avalonian reptiloids which cannot compete with birds or mammals. The biracial colonists established a tripartite mixed ecology but also reserve a great deal of territory, including an equatorial continent.

Local food is either poisonous or edible and dietary supplements are necessary. Work and effort were necessary for colonization. Avalon is now a place where it would be good to live or visit. Terrans find reasons to attack and destroy.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Militarily useful targets are legitimate objects of attack in times of war.

Ad astra! Sean

S.M. Stirling said...

Sean: Yup. Including ones near civilian populations. There's no rule against -killing- civilians, only against -targeting- them.

S.M. Stirling said...

I'm dubious about how effective nature reserves would be. Plants and animals don't pay much attention to boundaries. In many parts of New Zealand, for example, there isn't a plant or animal or even an insect that isn't an introduction.

If they're superior competitively, they spread like wildfire -- rabbits in Australia would be an example.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Mr. Stirling!

Unfortunately, some people have trouble understanding that hard, necessary, and inevitable rule of war. E.g., the war Israel is fighting against the Hamas scum also came with large numbers of non-combatants dying. Despite the efforts made by Israel at limiting such casualties.

Agree, what you said about the likely futility of those nature reservations on Avalon.

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