Friday 12 January 2024

Scientific Principles: Conduction And Sublimation

"The Saturn Game,III.

On the Saturnian moon, Iapetus, three explorers are engaged in role playing dialogue - Broberg as Ricia, Garcilaso as Alvaran and Scobie as Kendrick - when the ridge beneath their feet cracks and falls, precipitating an avalanche. The omniscient narrator informs readers that crystals are flung high and glitter in the sunlight before falling slowly.

After a double space between paragraphs, the text presents Scobie's pov (point of view). Regaining consciousness, he is buried, immobilized and breathing painfully, probably with one or more broken ribs. His radio, built into his suit, should still work but is blocked by the mass surrounding him which also extracts heat by conduction. He cannot reach the spare heating unit included in the equipment carried on his back. However, his escaping heat melts and sublimes the surrounding mass, enabling him to crawl upward by grasping hold of some still solid matter.

Meanwhile, inwardly, he continues the game. The Elf King wrecks his towers. Blocks that had been quarried from the ice of Ginnungagap should kill Kendrick and Ricia. However, Sir Kendrick fights clear as Scobie reaches the surface where he must stand if he is not to melt his way back into the debris.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I might have thought the trauma of that fall would have shocked Scobie/Kendrick out of that game playing role.

Ad astra! Sean said...


He retreats into it.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I understand, but it still puzzles me.

Ad astra! Sean said...
