Thursday 18 January 2024

Disparate Plot Elements

In The Earth Book Of Stormgate, the first four instalments successively introduce:

the race of Ythrians;
the planet, Avalon;
the Wodenite, Adzel;
the Terrestrial, Nicholas van Rijn.

The earlier collection, The Trouble Twisters, had introduced the Hermetian, David Falkayn. These five disparate plot elements, a species, a planet and three individuals, combine and recombine. Thus, just staying within the Earth Book:

the eighth instalment features the trader team of Falkayn, Adzel and Chee Lan;

the tenth instalment features the trader team, van Rijn and Ythrians;

in the eleventh instalment, Falkayn has led the joint human-Ythrian colonization of Avalon and his grandson is growing up on that planet.

And so on into the future beyond the Earth Book. We will stay with Avalon for a while but not any more this evening.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I would have mentioned TRADER TO THE STARS as well, because we see Nicholas van Rijn for the first time, in book form, in that collection ("Margin of Profit").

Ad astra! Sean