Monday 1 January 2024

Multi-Layered Narratives

In The Van Rijn Method:

Francis L. Minamoto introduces "The Saturn Game";

Hloch introduces seven stories that had previously been collected in The Earth Book of Stormgate;

Vance Hall and Noah Arkwright, respectively, introduce two stories that had previously been collected in The Trouble Twisters;

Le Matelot introduces one story that had previously been collected in Trader To The Stars.

Hloch informs us about the fictional authors of the Earth Book works. Thus, a daughter of the hero of "Esau" wrote both "Esau" and "The Season of Forgiveness" and both these stories had been published in the Avalonian periodical, Morgana, before Hloch collected them in the Earth Book. The main action of "Esau" is framed by a conversation between its hero and Nicholas van Rijn. Thus, throughout The Van Rijn Method, we experience multiple layers of narrative and historiography. In the case of "Esau":

Emil Dalmady in action
Dalmady in conversation with van Rijn
Judith Dalmady/Lundgren writing for Morgana
Hloch compiling the Earth Book

Or again, in the case of "The Problem of Pain":

Peter Berg on Gray/Avalon
the unnamed narrator in conversation with Berg
that narrator in private correspondence on Earth
a historian obtaining a copy of the correspondence
a transcription kept on Esperance
Hloch's mother, Rennhi, finding the transcription
Hloch explaining all this to his Avalonian readers


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And something something happened to me, personally, years ago! A French writer and fan of Anderson found out I'd corresponded with him, and contacted me about those letters. The upsot was I sent him copies of my letters, with Anderson's replies. He was glad to use them as one of his sources for the book he wrote about PA.

Happy New Year! Sean

Jim Baerg said...

Title of that book?
Unless there is an English version I don't expect to read it. My French is no where near good enough.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Jim!

Title and author of that book is ORPHEE AUX ETOILES (pub. 2007), by Jean-Daniel Breque. As far as I know it's never been translated into English. M. Breque kindly sent me a copy, despite my ignorance of French!

The only lengthy study of Anderson's works in English that I know of is AGAINST TIME'S ARROW, by Sandra Miesel, in 1978. Which urgently needs to be expanded to include discussion of what PA wrote after 1978.

Ad astra! Sean

Jim Baerg said...

Thanks Sean
I can do a web search for an English version.
I might also try to find Sandra Miesel's book. Maybe someone did an update.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Jim!

I doubt M. Breque's book was translated into English, alas!

I also anything to Miesel's work has been done since 1978, unfortunately. Unless you count my amateurish ramblings in this blog!

Ad astra! Sean