Tuesday 2 January 2024

Literature/Technic History

See Literature/Technic History.

A regular correspondent thought that I might like to review the above page but I am not sure. However, there it is for anyone who would like to read it. There are a couple of errors which regular Poul Anderson readers will notice.

I would say that the Technic History includes space opera but is not exclusively that. Indeed, the Dominic Flandry sub-series began as space opera but later became serious speculative fiction about historical cycles. A creative author like Anderson is able to incorporate very dissimilar sub-genres into a single series.

The page rightly highlights the incorporation of framing devices into the Technic History, particularly in The Earth Book of Stormgate.


DaveShoup2MD said...

I liked this bit:

"This series covers centuries and numerous planets. This (summary) only scratches the surface."

Honest, at least. ;)

S.M. Stirling said...

Poul's work was multifarious -- which is why it feels so realistic, because life is too. Life is farce, tragedy and everything in between.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Mr. Stirling!

Absolutely! And we see Dominic Flandry thinking or saying something very similar in one of the stories.

Someone said much the same about the works of Dante and Shakespeare, everything about human life, good and bad, can be found in them.

Ad astra! Sean