Thursday 2 February 2023

What If?

Apparently, Trekkies ask questions like: "The Borg from Star Trek and the Empire from Star Wars meet. What happens?" We can ask such questions within Poul Anderson's universes. The Coordination Service from the Psychotechnic History and the Polesotechnic League from the Technic History meet. What happens? We already know that the Cordies do not like the Nomads and that League independents like van Rijn of Solar Spice & Liquors do not like any government interference. 

Who else might notionally meet? We know that van Rijn from the Technic History and Rhysling from Heinlein's Future History both visit Anderson's inter-universal inn, the Old Phoenix, so they could meet there. What if A. Bertram Chandler's Commodore John Grimes met Anderson's Dominic Flandry? Well, as a matter of fact... (Except we think that that was an alternative Flandry.)

What if the Enterprise were to meet an Okie city? James Blish adapted Star Trek scripts as prose short stories and Charles Monteith, Blish's British publisher, speaking at a Memorial Evening for James Blish in London, described Blish's Cities In Flight as "a higher and greater Star Trek." Right on, Monteith.

Poul Anderson's History of Technic Civilization is a higher and greater Foundation and Dune.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Or what if the Merseian Roidhunate of Anderson's Technic stories bumped into Stirling's Draka? They would deserve each other!

Dominic Flandry would be a natural guest at the Old Phoenix Inn! As would Captain Athelstane King, from Stirling's THE PESHAWAR LANCERS.

Ad astra! Sean