Thursday 2 February 2023

Nomads, Nerthus, Cordies, Cosmos

What else are we told about Nerthus?

"(Ship Harpsong of Nerthus, out of Highsky for David's Landing, is long overdue...)"
-Poul Anderson, "The Pirate" IN Anderson, The Complete Psychotechnic League, Volume 3 (Riverdale, NY, July 2018), pp. 137-165 AT p. 137.

- is presented as a typical request for the services of the Stellar Union Coordination Service.

"Nothing awaited [Dunham] on Nerthus but the loss of his ship to his debts."
-Poul Anderson, "Symmetry" IN op. cit., pp. 183-193 AT p. 186.

A reminder that there is a spaceport on Nerthus. 

We are also assured that the Co-ordination Service would never have licensed Dunham as an interstellar explorer if he had been half-educated or reckless. Thus, the Cordies (Coordinators) become another common reference point:

"...there is little which the Coordination Service can do about it..."
-Poul Anderson, "Teucan" IN op. cut., pp. 115-134 AT p. 125.

Finally, stories are linked when their characters swear by Cosmos:

"'...good Cosmos, Alanna!'"
-Poul Anderson, "Gypsy" IN op. cit., pp. 255-270 AT p. 263.

"'I can't help him, oh Cosmos, I can't help him!'"
-Poul Anderson, "The Acolytes" IN op. cit., p. 18.

"'I know a little of your god,' said Joe. 'Your all-pervading primordial Cosmos...'"
-Poul Anderson, "The Green Thumb IN op. cit., pp. 21-41 AT p. 28.

"'Good Cosmos, what're you doing?' he exclaimed."
-"The Pirate," p. 145.

"Before Cosmos - they were egging him on!"
-"Teucan," p. 118.

"'Oh - oh, Cosmos, no!" Her eyes were filled with sudden horror."
-Poul Anderson, "Star Ship" IN op. cit., pp. 273-306 AT p. 300.

"Cosmos, but he was thirsty!"
-Poul Anderson, "Virgin Planet" IN op. cit., pp. 43-112 AT p. 53.

"'AAllmmiigghhttyy CCoossmmooss,, wwhhaatt iiss tthhiiss??'"
-Poul Anderson, "Symmetry" IN op. cit., pp. 183-193 AT p. 183.

(Two Dunhams have spoken simultaneously.)

"'In the name of Cosmos, rendezvous,' he began formally."
-Poul Anderson, The Peregrine (New York, 1978), CHAPTER II, p. 7.

Nine instalments are linked by Nomads, Nerthus, Cordies and/or Cosmos:

"Gypsy" (Cosmos, Nomads)
"Star Ship" (Cosmos)
"The Acolytes" (Nerthus, Cosmos)
"The Green Thumb" (Nerthus, Cosmos)
Virgin Planet (Cordies, Cosmos, Nerthus)
"Teucan" (Cordies, Cosmos)
"The Pirate" (Cordies, Nerthus, Cosmos)
The Peregrine (Nomads, Cosmos, Cordies, Nerthus)
Symmetry (Cosmos, Nerthus, Cordies)

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Unlike "Entity," this story, "Symmetry," has stuck in my mind. It would need a very advanced to instantaneously duplicate a person.

Ad astra! Sean