Sunday 19 February 2023

Heaven Speaks II

Steve Matuchek, narrator of Operation Chaos, continues to share the consciousness of a soul from Heaven:

"Of course, I couldn't share his afterlife, nor the holiness thereof. My mortal brain and grimy soul didn't reach to it. At most, there sang at the edge of perception a peace and joy which were not static but a high eternal adventure. I did, though, have the presence of Lobachevsky the man to savor. Think of your oldest and best friend and you'll have a rough idea what that was like." (XXX, p. 237)

Neither conflict nor static peace but dynamic peace: I think that it is possible - although not in a hereafter.

We can expect CS Lewis to contribute something about communication from Heaven. Lewis the character and first person narrator of a short story by Lewis the author finds himself inside the mental landscape of a self-absorbed young woman. An unseen hand knocks on the sky of the Shoddy Lands:

"And with that knocking came a voice at whose sound my bones turned to water: 'Child, child, child, let me in before the night comes.'"
-CS Lewis, "The Shoddy Lands" IN Lewis, The Dark Tower and other stories (London, 1983), pp. 104-111 AT p. 110.

In this sentence, beginning "Child...," I feel that reality addresses us. Lewis personified reality. Reality speaks through him. 

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I remember that bit from OPERATION CHAOS. Yes, union with God, the Beatific Vision, will be dynamic, not static.

Ad astra! Sean