Saturday 23 April 2022

Wind Hoots And Wolves Howl

War Of The Gods.

"A wind out of the north bore tidings of oncoming winter." (IV, p. 26)

In the giant's hall where a giantess nurses Hadding:

"...they all sat about the fire, in a rank gloom, while wind hooted outside and from afar sounded the howling of wolves." (p. 31)

"There were neither high seat nor benches; one sat on the ground, drank ale from bucket-big wooden cups passed hand to hand, gnawed coarse bread and roasted meat." (II, p.19)

The surface underfoot is called "the ground" even inside the hall! - although, on p. 21, it is dignified with the name "floor."

Hadding is raised in pre-human wildness.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And I think we should understand that "ground" inside that rather wretched hall as actual dirt. No Flooring of any kind, whether wood, brick, or stone.

Ad astra! Sean