Wednesday 27 April 2022

Mixing Myths: Lodur, Loki And Loker

War Of The Gods.

Odin, Hoenir and Lodur made the first man and woman (I, p. 12) whereas, before that, Odin, Vili and Ve had slain Ymir and made Midgard from his body. (XI, p. 83) These are the same three brothers but with different versions of the second and third names. 

Odin, Honir and (mainly) Loki thwarted the giant Skrymsli. See Roger Lancelyn Green, The Saga Of Asgard (Harmondsworth, Middlesex), Chapter 4. Thus, there are two versions of Odin, Ho(e)nir and a third god with the initial, "L."

When Hadding, entertaining his guards, reaches the story of Loki, it strikes him as odd that his enemy's name, Loker, is so similar to Loki. Nothing more is made of this. Is Loki, disguised as Loker, trying to thwart Gangleri's plan for Hadding? Or, alternatively, is Loki/Loker helping that plan by putting Hadding in a position from which he will be able to escape instead of killing him outright? Can I continue to ask questions without answering them?

In Poul Anderson's invented story, Odin returns from hanging himself to find that Vili and Ve have taken over Asgard in his absence. Like Odysseus in the Odyssey and John Carter in The Gods Of Mars, he returns after an absence to find a problem.  


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Writing in haste: It's all right to ask questions that can't be answered!

Ad astra! Sean

S.M. Stirling said...

I simply assumed, from a writer's p.o.v., that Loker was Loki and working for Odin. The experience with this expedition is necessary to awaken Hadding's skills -- witness how he 'recalls' seamanship.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Mr. Stirling!

I only I had thought of that the previous times I read WAR OF THE GODS!

Ad astra! Sean