Monday 25 April 2022

As Above, So Below?

War Of The Gods.

"When [the Vanir] drew nigh, [Odin] cast his spear over their host. So began the first war that ever was." (I, p. 11)

(The second.)

"Loker spat and ordered the man back. As he left, the king flung a spear after him, soaring over his head.
"'He learned that from his Northmen,' Lysir muttered. 'It means he'll slaughter us all for his gods.'" (IX, p. 69)

A divine action is repeated among men. That is how it happens in myths. In reality, it is the other way around. Men act and project their actions onto the heavens. Social interactions eventually generated laws and customs. No one, let alone a superhuman being, formulated any laws or customs before a society existed! 


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I believe in the supernatural, the existence of God. So I believe laws can exist independently of any societies existing. That is, God knew from all eternity the laws of justice, for example. AND bound himself to the natural laws He made when creating the universe.

Ad astra! Sean said...


You are standing history on its head, putting ideas first. Society produced wealth before it created laws against theft.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Not at all! God exists from all eternity. So, He knew human beings would need societies, states, and laws.

Ad astra! Seam