Sunday 3 April 2022

Around Britain

The Merman's Children.

Hauau, the were-seal:

"'I think we'd be rash tae try beating back aroon' Scotland and across the North Sea. The vessel wants nursing every fathom o' the way. Best we pass doon through the Irish Sea, aroon' through the English Channel, and thence past Friesland tae Denmark. 'Tis nae doot a lengthier passage, but belike milder.'" (pp. 84-85)

"'The King o' England has captains wha' be harder tae deal wi' than pirates.'" (p.85)

"...Herning...passed near craft plying between England and the Pale..." (p. 90)

"Herning rounded Wales, passed by the white cliffs of England, followed the Lowlands on toward home." (p. 91)

See WorldAtlas.

So close to home!

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

What I thought of was of how difficult it was for people to TRAVEL in those days. Which means that what looks like "short" distances to us were actually lengthy and difficult journeys circa AD 1300.

Ad astra! Sean