Thursday 28 April 2022

Preferred Reading Orders

Ideally, an author's complete works would be on line and we would be able to print them out in whatever order or format we preferred. Thus, Poul Anderson's Time Patrol series:

The Guardians Of Time
as is, except with "Gibraltar Falls" at the end

The Gods Of Time
"The Sorrow of Odin the Goth"
"Star of the Sea"

The Thieves Of Time
"The Year of the Ransom"
"Ivory, and Apes, and Peacocks"

The Shield of Time
as is, except with "Death and the Knight" at the end

But there are other options as we will see after a walk to Morecambe.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I like this, from a THEMATIC point of view. But, practically speaking, I would prefer to keep the first nine of the Time Patrol stories in one volume, with SHIELD and "Death" in a second.

Ad astra! Sean said...


Remember what I am imagining is not a proposed publication schedule but something that we could do if we were able to instruct the computer to print out the series in a revised order.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I agree! What we are discussing here are what editors might do if they have the texts of all eleven of the Patrol stories available to them.

Ad astra! Sean