Tuesday 26 October 2021

Guthries, Computers And A Psalm

Harvest Of Stars, 44.

Two full copies of download Guthrie cooperate with each other and unite with the net. Thus, what is left of Guthrie has gone far beyond its original humanity. The hypercomputers are not aware but we are told that that will change soon. How? Computers will not become conscious by calculating more quickly. They will have to be combined with artificial neural networks like the ones into which Guthrie has been downloaded.

"To the hypercomputers, a thousand years were as a day and a day was as a thousand years..." (p. 402)

See Psalm 90: 4 and 2 Peter 3: 8.

Biblical allusions are becoming like part of the grammar.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And I recently quoted some comments about Psalm 82! Anderson seems to have been the SF writer most interested in the Bible and able to quote/allude aptly from it.

One thing I remember from this part of HARVEST OF STARS is that the Guthrie download suppressed for at least half a century research that would have led to conscious AIs. Because of his fears of how AIs would become a threat to human autonomy.

Ad astra! Sean