Thursday 28 October 2021


Adzel appears in:

the third of the three stories in the second Polesotechnic League collection, Trader To The Stars;

two PL novels, Satan's World and Mirkheim;

three of the twelve works collected as The Earth Book Of Stormgate;

thus, six works in four volumes.

However, his chronologically earliest appearance is in the first of his three Earth Book stories and the last is in Mirkheim.

The Technic History:

presents eight PL installments in its first four volumes;

adds a sequel about human beings and Ythrians in The People of The Wind;

in the Earth Book, surrounded by stories and interstitial passages about Ythrians, presents a further eight PL installments, including one novel, most of them featuring the familiar characters.

What a series.


R. Scott Russell said...

I think the second PL collection is The Trouble Twisters, and the story where Adzel appears is called either "Trader Team" or "The Trouble Twisters." Adzel and Chee Lan are two of my favorites. Anderson did a marvelous job creating these two characters.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul and Scott!

Paul: Another Wodenite is one of the characters in THE GAME OF EMPIRE. And we see Hugh McCormac recalling an unnamed Wodenite he had known years before in THE REBEL WORLDS.

Scott: I agree Anderson's speculations about what non human intelligent beings might be like were far superior to similar efforts by most other SF writers.

Two of my favorite Andersonian characters are Nicholas van Rijn and Dominic Flandry, btw.

Ad astra! Sean