Sunday 31 October 2021

82 Eridani, Beta Hydri And HD44594

Harvest Of Stars, 61.

The condensed future history continues. Robotic probes are sent to other planetary systems. The Astronomy Web in interplanetary space detects planets with atmospheric oxygen orbiting 82 Eridani, Beta Hydri and HD44594. A near light speed supership containing a copy of download Guthrie is sent to each of these systems. When, after nearly two Terrestrial centuries, the third supership has returned, the copies are downloaded into the original and terminated. Then the original seeks communion with the planetary intelligence, Demeter Mother. And all of this happens in a page and a half of text.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I looked them up and 82 Eridani and Beta Hydri are approximately 20 and 24.3 light years from Sol. Hence, if we have to use STL means of reaching other stars, not too impossibly far away. But I hope faster means of STL travel are developed, that would be better than needing two centuries.

Btw, after a clumsy start, with assistance from Keir Salmon, I read thru the first four chapters of Stirling's new book WARLORD OF THE STEPPE, and offered some comments and possible corrections. That is, I sent those comments to Kier Salmon.

Ad astra! Sean said...

Very excellent.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Thanks! I just wonder what Salmon or Stirling thinks of those comments of mine.

Ad astra! Sean

S.M. Stirling said...

Will get them soon, and you get my comments-on-comments.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Mr. Stirling!

Many thanks! The way I did it was to read the chapters first, simply to enjoy the story, taking note here and there of spots I might comment on. Next, I skimmed thru it, page by page, taking notes where needed.

Ad astra! Sean