Tuesday 19 October 2021

Guthrie On Ecology

Harvest Of Stars, 23.

Download Guthrie:

"'The economy was in such desperate shape, and "ecology" wasn't the knee-jerk shibboleth it had been, that the new government was glad to sell us a little piece of Volcanoes Park.'" (p. 213)

We have lived into a future when "ecology" has to be more than a "knee-jerk shibboleth."

Guthrie's company, Fireball, provides a home for a community of metamorphs/neosophs and shields them from:

"'...gaping tourists, yawping ideologists, and quick-money hustlers.'" (p. 214)

Fireball is a commercial outfit, even if not a "quick-money" one. Guthrie and I would probably disagree about which of the "ideologists" are "yawping."

With all that said, an outfit like Fireball can do some good like by helping metamorphs.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I found the idea of raising animals to human levels of intelligence one of those difficult concepts in the HARVEST books, difficult enough to make me need to reread them before I could properly appreciate them.

We have far too many "yawping ideologists" around these days. So I'm more likely to agree with Guthrie, not anybody you would probably prefer.

Ad astra! Sean