Monday 3 November 2014

Concentric Series

The Technic History begins with "The Saturn Game."
The Earth Book Of Stormgate begins with "Wings of Victory."
The Polesotechnic League series begins IMO with "How To Be Ethnic In One Easy Lesson."
The Nicholas van Rijn series begins with "Margin of Profit."
The David Falkayn series begins with "The Three-Cornered Wheel."
The trader team series begins with "The Trouble Twisters."

This has to be unique: six series, each incorporating its successor. How do they end?

The trader team series ends with "Lodestar" (although the team temporarily reconvenes for a different purpose in Mirkheim).
The Falkayn, van Rijn and League series end together in Mirkheim.
The Earth Book ends with "Rescue on Avalon."
The Technic History ends with "Starfog."

However, between "Rescue on Avalon" and "Starfog":

the Dominic Flandry series begins with Ensign Flandry and ends with A Stone In Heaven;
the potential Diana Crowfeather series, The Game Of Empire, cameos Diana's father, Dominic Flandry.

Rich and complex, like real history.

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