Sunday 7 May 2023

"The Star Plunderer" In The Technic History

Poul Anderson, "The Star Plunderer" IN Anderson, Rise Of The Terran Empire (Riverdale, NY, March 2011), pp. 325-362.

When "The Star Plunderer" was published in 1952, it was not part of a series but was one of a type. Readers of pulp sf were all too familiar with Earthmen fighting grey, green or blue four-armed but otherwise humanoid extra-terrestrials armed with blasters or even just with swords.

Can anyone read the blurb for this story on the attached Planet Stories contents page?

Although "The Star Plunderer" has taken its place at the midpoint of The Technic Civilization Saga, Volume III, it could still be included in anthologies on themes like "space opera," "interstellar empires," "they came, they fought, we won" etc.

The Commonwealth, not referred to as "the Solar Commonwealth," has fallen, the Polesotechnic League is not mentioned and Manuel Argos will found "'...the Empire of Sol.'" (p. 357) The story does (just) fit at this point in the Technic History.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Using a magnifying glass, this is what I read: "One ship and you're planning an empire in the Galaxy?" That was exactly the plan of a handful of desperate men."

Ad astra! Sean