Friday 5 May 2023

New Zealand And Ronga

Mirkheim, XIV.

Still looking for information about Earth in Mirkheim, we fast forward to Chapter XIV where Eric Tamarin has relocated to a chalet in the Southern Alps of New Zealand. Through the window of his office, he sees green fields, snow on hills and a sheening glazier. 

Next, the former trade pioneer crew members meet on the Pacific island of Ronga from where they will depart to Hermes. However, we have posted about Ronga more than once before. See here. (Scroll down.)

XV begins with the approach to Hermes.

Some interesting other reading has come my way so there might not be quite as many posts this evening. However, Poul Anderson's works remain apparently inexhaustible.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I tried to track down Ronga Island. As far as I can make out it's one of the Marshal Islands.

I can well imagine Old Nick buying a small tropical island for a quiet retreat.

Ad astra! Sean