Wednesday 3 May 2023


Mirkheim, II, begins with a beautiful description of the city of Starfall on the planet, Hermes. However, we have summarized it before. Further, we are currently looking for information about Earth. III is set back in the Solar System but in Lunograd. We must fast-forward to the opening sentence of XI which tells us that:

"...Muddlin' Through reached Earth..." (p. 158)

After delay by Traffic Control, Muddlin' Through lands on Ronga in a South Pacific atoll. The ocean is multiple shades of blue and green. Sunlight sparkles. Breakers burst. A lagoon is like an amethyst. Of course, such a description could apply to many periods of Terrestrial history but we are happy to read it here.

David Falkayn reflects that few such places are left on Earth, then wonders whether it is neither ambition nor adventure but a longing for this kind of primordial peace that drives human beings out into the universe. Surely not? That would contradict everything that we are told about the Polesotechnic League and Falkayn thinks it only fleetingly.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I would put this down to Falkayn having a sentimental moment. I don't think he (or us!) really wants to live a primitive life without the conveniences/comforts/advances possible only if you have a high tech urbanized civilization.

But that does not mean many won't leave Earth for strong reasons they believe in. I would expect many to leave because they resent how Technic civilization was erasing differences and homogenizing everybody. Many would leave to join or found colonies for religious, ethno/national, political and cultural reasons, etc. A process called the Breakup.

Ad astra! Sean

S.M. Stirling said...

It's an element, not a sole one.