Tuesday 20 October 2020

(Con)current (Re)reading

Currently, I am:

still, for posting purposes, rereading Poul Anderson's There Will Be Time probably to be followed by the Maurai stories, then maybe Orion Shall Rise (we have been there before but have we exhausted these texts yet? - we can find out);

taking it slowly with Downbelow Station because I have not yet been fully drawn into Cherryh's substantial future history series - which I believe the Alliance-Union universe to be;

rereading Stieg Larsson's long and complicated Millennium Trilogy from the beginning;

interspersing periods of reading and blogging with fairly long walks along Lancaster Canal and the River Lune. 


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Right now I'm rereading Miesel's AGAINST TIME'S ARROW, but that's a short work (59 pages) which won't take me long to finish (UNLIKE Michaud's massive book!). Not quite sure what to read next. Anderson, Tolkien, Julian May?

Ad astra! Sean

paulshackley2017@gmail.com said...


Do you want to read some CJ Cherryh and tell us what you think?


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I might, and I have thought of that, despite not being "grabbed" by her works when I first tried them many years ago. I will have to look for some of her books the next time I go to Barnes and Noble.

Ad astra! Sean