Sunday 25 October 2020



Rereading AI In SF, I thought that the last sentence quoted at the end of the post:

"So was insight, a direct contact with the paramathematical frame of reality."

- looked as if it needed a concluding question mark. However, checking confirmed the absence of a question mark at this point in the text of the story by Greg Bear & SM Stirling.

On the other hand, the following paragraph suggests that the sentence had been a question:

"They couldn't know, Halloran realized. Kzinti physics was excellent but their biological sciences primitive by human standards."
-for reference, see the above link.
We need a synthesis of all the sciences and philosophy to approach a comprehensive understanding of reality.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I would like to have seen a fuller discussion by Anderson of the Wayland AI we see in A CIRCUS OF HELLS. Esp. after Flandry had managed to "wake up" the White King from its dream. I suspect a word count insisted on by his publisher may be why we see too little about that AI. Pity!

I think some cosmologists like Hawking, Tipler, Carroll, etc., are groping their not always successful ways to achieving that kind of synthesizing of the sciences and philosophy that you desire. I do have some doubts about that being possible. But let them try!

Ad astra! Sean