Friday 7 August 2020

Who Wins?

Some fans debate questions like:

The Star Trek Federation fights the Star Wars Empire. Who wins?
Superman fights Thor. Who wins?

So I suppose that we on this blog could assemble a list of potential combatants, e.g.:

a Merseian (they can swing their tails)
an Ythrian (they have the advantage of flight)
a kzin
a Pak protector
a human protector
an Ardazir
a Puppeteer (they have adjustable binocular vision and can kick)
a human being (can be trained to kill a kzin with bare hands)

(Poul Anderson created three of these species and wrote a fourth.)

However, I decline to discuss this issue any further although, of course, comments are always welcome...


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

But Puppeteers are cowards! And it's considered admirable in that race to be cowards. A brave Puppeteer is regarded as either seriously sick or depraved.

Ad astra! Sean said...


Indeed and he can, if cornered, take careful aim and kick someone's head off.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

The cornered rat phenomenon, IOW. And Puppeteer leaders are called the "hindmost," because the most cowardly should be the leaders!

Ad astra! Sean said...


In a Green Lantern story, the leader of another group of aliens was called "the Foremost." I took this to be a reference to the Puppeteer Hindmost.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Possibly the author did have the Puppeteers in mind. Altho it's simply to say a leader called the "foremost" would be ESP. courageous.

Ad astra! Sean